How2: Travel Guides. #4 Bali
18 hours away from London is a place of pure paradise… Bali. 10 days of travelling around the island and the surrounding islands wasn’t enough! Find out what Sofia’s favourite parts were.

How2: Travel Guides. #3 Australia
Our first guest feature in our How2 Travel Guide series! @graduategirltalk takes us through her top 10 things to do in Australia.

How2: Travel Guides. #2 Lisbon
Ah Lisbon, the hometown! In this blog post, we give you our top 10 things to do in one of the oldest, most historical cities in the world, Lisbon - which can we say was super hard! Happy reading!

How2: Travel Guides. #1 New York.
New York, New York, it’s a hell of a town! Find out our top 10 most recommended things to do when visiting.

How2: Our Top 10 Tried & Tested Date Night Ideas In London
It’s not everyday dinner dates, sometimes do something fun with your bae! The How2Girls have put together a list of our favourite TRIED & TESTED “not dinner” date night ideas.

How2: Get The Most for Your Money While Eating Out in London.
Everyone loves to eat out, but at the same time, London can be expensive! Sofia lays out all of her tips on how to save money when eating out in London.