How2: Stay Productive While Working From Home.
Working from home can be both a blessing and a curse! Sofia gives you some insight into a few things she does to keep her productive while working from home.

How2: Chlo’s Library. Chapter 2 - Things No One Else Can Teach Us.
The 2nd installment in Chlo’s Library. Today we look at an amazing read by Humble The Poet “Things No One Can Teach Us”.

How2: “Do You Take Credit Card?” - An All You Need to Know Guide.
How2Girls x TheToolbox brings you an all you need to know guide on credit cards!

How2: Chlo’s Library. Chapter 1 - Natives.
Welcome to Chlo’s Library - a series of book reviews which will feature all Chloë’s favourites. To kickstart, the favourite, Akala’s “Natives: Race and Class in The Ruins of Empire”.

How2: Get Clued Up On Credit Scores. The 3-Digit Number You Should Care About.
How2Girls x TheToolBox bring a rundown on credit scores and top tips on how to improve yours!

How2: Budget, Budget, Budget! Top Budgeting Tips to Keep Your Pockets Looking Healthy All Month.
Sofia is a literal budgeting queen; she’s obsessed. She reveals all of her top tips for budgeting and saving your coin.