How2: Our Look Back at 2020.
It was so refreshing writing letters to our younger selves! Stay tuned for some laughs and life lessons that we learnt along the way.

How2: Letters To Our Younger Selves.
It was so refreshing writing letters to our younger selves! Stay tuned for some laughs and life lessons that we learnt along the way.

How2: Top 10 Things We Miss Most About Pre-Lockdown Life.
We can’t be the only people suffering with withdrawl symptoms in lockdown? Find out the 10 things we miss most.

How2: Do Your Part and Speak Up.
With everything going on, we wanted to use our platform to let our views be heard. There are a bunch of resources in this post to educate yourself and do your part.

How2: Start Afresh. Our Spring Cleaning Tips/Tricks
Some top tips from the How2Girls on spring cleaning and organisation hacks for everyday life!