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How2: Letters To Our Younger Selves.


Dear Chlo,

wow. how far have you have come. You’re still as obsessed with the Kardashians even as an “adult”, you’re still singing 90s R&B with your whole chest, you’re not as obsessed with a selfie but your confidence is back and that’s all that matters.

You’ll be glad to know that you’re slowly learning how to embrace both of your cultures, moulding them into one to create your own identity. I know right now your Punjabi culture does not fit into your Catholic school life, but trust me when I say you’ll be happily eating mooli paratha on Christmas morning after eating bacalhau on Christmas Eve, no care in the world; you’ll even make your old ting watch a Bollywood film - I know, you’ll finally let the world into your secret obsession, who would’ve thought. You’re slowly blending your two worlds and it works!

What I will say to you is, you need to open up. You are the chattiest patty in the world, but you need to let people see that you get upset sometimes as well. Keeping up this brick wall of hiding your emotions is going to do you more harm than good. One day you’re going to explode and it’s not going to be a cute look. I know it’s hard to ask for help, just as it’s hard to speak to strangers - trust me, you still feel as anxious about new people as a 21 year old, but we’re working on it. What you need to remember is that you’ve got a BIG support system around you, they’ll have your back more than you realise over the next few years (without you even having to ask them).

Don’t allow yourself to be influenced by the actions of others. Your parents (and Tia Lizzie) raised a PRINCESS. Don’t allow anybody to make you think anything else. You’ve got one of the biggest hearts on the planet, with so much to say. Don’t let people make you question yourself, your opinion is just as valid as anybody else’s. Your voice will be used for some powerful things one day, just you wait and see.

You should be so proud of yourself. You finished school and college with some amazing grades, you were accepted into uni, you go on your dream placement year as “Miss Pall” and HOW2 GIRLS IS UP AND RUNNING! You’re slowly but surely making your difference in the world - it’s happening sis!

You need to start being spontaneous! I don’t want you to miss out on so many opportunities because you’re anxious. You might as well do it rather than sitting in your bed wondering “what if?”. Trust me, you’ll do something whilst out with your friends (Yes, Jade & Giovanna are still around, you’ve also stolen Winnie from Giovanna) and you’ll secure the bag and network like a queen. It’ll be something ticked off of your bucket list, but you’ll also do two tequila shots afterwards for being so proud yet so nervous.

Always remember, no one else is like you. Nobody has experienced the same experiences as you, nobody else can say they’ve come from such a blended family - you’re still yet to meet somebody who’s come from a Sikh/Catholic family; nobody has the same thoughts and ideas as you, REMEMBER THIS ALWAYS. Just as our wise Dad used to tell us, you are so UNIQUE, never ever forget this.

Oh, and very quickly. JLS get back together, and yes you get front row seats for two dates to go and see them. Whilst in Paris, you’ll wake up super early to bag yourself some tickets, and be happy for the rest of the year despite the rest of the world’s drama.




You’re probably wondering why I’m addressing this to Sof and not Fia, that nickname died round about 17/18 and developed into the now present Sof. But girl, you have done amazing sweetie. You’re a First Class Graduate and you’re now killing it in your career in the Media industry. You also have a blog! You & Chloë started it at the beginning of 2020 - you’re going to love it, you know you love to write. It makes you get back in touch with your graphic design side (Bebo/Piczo dies too, social media is a whole new realm, but skins are a thing of the past). Sounds like what you always dreamed it would be right?

Listen, life gets tough. Your life is literally about to change so much, I remember being 15, not a care in the world (except all that school drama, don’t worry, that goes away and you don’t really speak to many people from school anymore anyway, just the special ones). Those people you think are your friends now, won’t really matter to you in a few years. You’ve still got your select few friends from school by your side right now, but you’ve made new, great friends along the way. Just remember, don’t let people take your kindness for weakness! People are going to hurt you because you’re so caring & nice, but you got this & you get tougher. You’re still a cry baby lol, but that’s just genetics I think. Anrgy, sad, happy, embarrassed, them tears stay flowing sis.

You’ll be glad to know that you definitely grew and flourished. You’re still that loud social butterfly you always have been, but you’re different now. Things are better, you’re more confident (I PROMISE YOU THE GLOW UP IS WORTH THE WAIT) and you’re happy with who you are. Don’t get me wrong, everyone has their down days, but all in all you’re good.

Uni is amazing by the way, you get to go to your first choice and spend 4 amazing years there. First year is a lot of fun, you literally live your best life and meet some hilarious and great friends. You do realise something there though, in a pond full of like-minded people similar to yourself and people who are all aiming for the same end goal, you need to work hard and push through. If I didn’t put this into practice in my final 2 years, that First Class would’ve slipped through my hands. There are several breakdowns in the library and nights where you just can’t take the revision anymore so you sit and cry, but I promise you, it’s worth it. That feeling when it’s all over is elating. I also discovered I like to speak to and teach people, it’s our way of learning! As well as friends at uni, you meet someone special. It happens in a club and you’ll laugh at the scenario for years to come - he’s amazing.

At this present time, you’ve visited 3 countries (including England), well it’s now at 14! You’re going to try and hit 30 countries before you’re 30 (2020 is a crazy year and causes a small hindrance, but we move). Can you believe it? All you know right now is Portugal and Cyprus, you’re gonna learn in the coming years! Bali and Jamaica are your favourite. You’re going to have the best time travelling, you feel so adventurous when you’re abroad; whether you’re jumping off a boat into deep waters so you can see the water illuminate beneath you or getting lost on a small tropical island in the darkness.

2017 is a big year for you to say the least, filled with both good and bad. When the time comes, be prepared to take on a lot and be strong. I think you become stronger after this and it brings you back down to earth, makes you realise it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. You come out of the other side better, even though you might not think it sometimes. My last bit of advice would be stop overthinking. Easier said than done trust me, but it’s not healthy. Your brain is way too creative for that lol, you always have to go from 0-100 and create this elaborate story in your head. Slow down and take a breather, it helps. Continue being the person you are, caring, empathetic, ambitious, always willing to help and most importantly, be kind.

So yeah, can’t lie you have a lot to look forward to. It’s going to be one hell of a roller-coaster, but looking back, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. One last thing, Tesla, Amazon, Apple & Facebook have taken over… buy stocks if you can (tell Daddy!) & get you coin sis!



“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience” - John Dewey